Monday, December 31, 2007

falling off the wagon, crossing items off the list, and more

We had a crazy busy holiday season! It was positively delightful having so much family in town and having so many parties to attend. And now it's delightful having none of those things and getting a bit of a breather.

Thanks to our busy holiday schedule, a brief hiatus on organized team practices, and a miserable little cold, I've fallen off the workout wagon these last two weeks. It's been easy to do since every minute of our days has been spoken for and because I know that come January 3rd we'll be hitting it hard every day until May 4. That, and it's been cold! But now I have some awesome cold-weather gear, more free time, a healthy immune system, and no more excuses. The break was good for my mind and body, but now I'm ready to jump back on the wagon and get going.

Now for the list:
#68: I gave bundles of personalized stationary to my cousin and grandmother. I think they looked quite festive with their bright red bows!I also gave homemade truffles to my coworkers. So while all my gifts weren't homemade, I did make a few of them. That totally counts.

#84: check! It was wonderful having my parents, sister, and brother here for Christmas. We took my parents to see the big Christmas tree and the trail of lights (my mom has pictures from that outing - I'll have to add them in later!) and had great times playing Beyond Balderdash and James Bond Scene It. We all enjoyed it so much I think we've agreed to make it a family tradition (having our family Christmas here, not playing JBSI)! Alex's parents visited the next weekend, and we introduced them to horseshoes (Alex's dad is a natural!) and took them to the county park by our house. While it's nice having the house to ourselves, it becomes more of a home when it's filled with the laughter and voices of many.

#92: While at Alex's company Christmas dinner, I knew I was going to order the grilled salmon. So instead of getting my usual beer, I ordered...wait for it...a pinot grigio. Important details to note: I knew white wine went with fish and red wine with beef; I picked wine over beer; and I enjoyed it! (I also enjoyed the second glass, but damn if I wasn't asleep five minutes into the ride home. It certainly does have a different effect than beer!) Oh, AND, I held it by it's step, swirled it, sniffed it, and then sipped. I didn't spit, but just the fact that I know that's the fourth step counts for something, right?? In googling it just now to make sure that I spelled it correctly, I came across this article--apparently some would think that my one encounter with pinot grigio is the wine equivalent of eating a Spamwich. I pay them as much mind as those beer drinkers out there who can no longer enjoy a Lone Star--I pity you and the jail cell of sophistication you've built around yourself. Tsk, tsk.

There are other tasks in the works. I've got six months left to go and my potted plants are looking a little paltry but still alive. I just finished Water for Elephants (which I enjoyed very much if any of you are considering reading it), so I think now is as good a time as any to start The Brothers Karamazov. I can do about 15 full length push-ups, so more than halfway on that one. My major TNT fundraising event is in the works (thanks 100% to Dawn, my wedding coordinator and my very own fairy godmother). And we're getting dressed up for New Year's tonight and going downtown--not an exact hit for #47, but we did go on a date downtown last night, which is more in line with the spirit of that task...

I hope this finds you all well and rested and pleasantly plump from all the holiday fruitcake. Happy New Year!


Monday, December 10, 2007

Nothing to report?

I haven't posted in a while because I didn't really feel like we had anything new to report. I haven't accomplished any more of my 101 goals, and really life has been just plugging along like normal. Then I realized that it's really not normal and maybe I haven't posted because I've been working my tailfeathers off and have just been too busy!

I've started freelancing (yay!) in my "spare" time. This is good news not only because it will help us pay off our medical bills, but because hopefully it will be steady enough to provide enough income when we have kids that will allow me to stay home.

I've also started my second season with Team In Training--this time I'm training for a half-ironman triathlon (1.2-mile swim, 56-mile bike, 13.1-mile run) and have to raise $5,600 in donations!! Not only have I been spending about 10 hours a week in practice (and we haven't even hit our "stride" yet--we're supposed to pick it up on Jan. 1), but I've been working like crazy to get some fundraising efforts going: I participated in my company's holiday fair last Friday, have been busy writing letters/stuffing envelopes, and am hopefully in the midst of planning a big fundraising party with the help of my wedding coordinator!

BTW, if you would like to donate, please click here! Every little bit helps, and all donations are fully tax deductible. Most of you have letters coming encouraging you to join the one-hour-a-month club . . . intrigued? Details in your letter!

Alex returned from his Germany trip safe and sound and has jumped into helping me as much as possible. He's started coming to core workouts with me, too! He put up lights on our house all by himself--I think it took him longer than he expected, but we're both very happy with how it turned out! And we're now the proud owners of a ladder. They're quite helpful!

Well, that's what's new with us! I hope some of y'all out there are having a little less hectic lives right now and that you have enough time to get into the holiday spirit a little.

Happy holidays,