Thursday, December 31, 2009

A Year to Remember

What a year. Never before in my life can I remember an entire year, every single month, every week, from January 1 to December 31, and know exactly what I was doing and thinking about. This has been the most life-changing year ever; as of 10 a.m. on January 1st, my world was changed forever!

Here we are, exactly one year ago, on our way out to a New Year's Eve party.

10 a.m. the next morning . . . Holy Moly!

January 27th, 2009, Alina had her first picture ever taken (the first of maaaany more to come!).

I had a WONDERFUL pregnancy and can actually say that I LOVED being pregnant!

September 14th--this picture was taken about 3 hours before I went into labor.

September 15th--Happy Birthday, Alina May!!!

Right from the get-go we were absolutely smitten.

In October we started getting the most wonderful thing in the world: smiles!

In November Ali became more of her own little person and had many firsts, including rolling over!

December brought us Ali's first holiday season; we saw the wonder of the season in a whole new way.

She got to meet Santa for the first time.

It also brought us Ali's first snow! It snowed a little bit here in Austin, so we were excited to get out Ali's real winter gear.

But then it snowed a LOT in Dallas on Christmas Eve! Can you believe the luck?? Ali's first Christmas was a white one! Here's Aunt Katie snuggling with Ali in the snow; later that night we snuck out for pics in the white wonderland!

Christmas morning was a blast. Ali loved all the noise of the crumpling paper and the flashes of glittery bows. This is her serious model face.
Hey, where'd my bow go!?!
And that brings us to tonight. New Year's Eve. Again. Last year we were getting snazzed up for a night out with friends. This year we are hanging out at the house in our pj's, hugging each other, and looking at our greatest gift ever as the clock slips from 2009 to 2010. It's been the most incredible year ever . . . 2010 has some big shoes to fill!!

Hope the year brought you all as much joy as it brought us!! Happy New Year!


Hers said...

Awww, what a great year for y'all. I'm sure 2010 will be even better!

ashley said...

awww what a great year! happy new year!

she looks so cute in her winter gear!!