Tuesday, February 2, 2010

20 weeks!

It's hard to believe that Ali is already 20 weeks old! When I was pregnant, 20 weeks marked the halfway point. It seemed like it took an eternity to get there, and it seemed like there was still an eternity to go once I reached it.

The last 20 weeks, however . . . I never knew how fast 20 weeks could go! It seems like we just brought baby girl home from the hospital yesterday . . . but when I stop and think about it, we have come SO far in the last 20 weeks and have learned SO much!

20 weeks then:
And 20 weeks now:

And I realized it's been entirely too long without a video. Here's our spazzy-magoo during some tummy time. Enjoy!


Hers said...

She is working on doing the worm!

ashley said...

she seriously has the best smile!! i love it!