Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Birthday Girl

One year ago today, she was born.

And while we thought we were prepared, thought we knew what to expect, thought we already knew all about our life changing, really we weren't. We didn't. There is no adequate preparation, no accurate foresight for the way your life changes the day your child comes into the world.

This year has brought with it more laughter, more tears, more happiness, more doubt, more joy and satisfaction, more questions, and more love than we ever thought possible.What an incredible thing it is to have a child, to watch that child grow and learn through their first year, to grow and learn right alongside them. It's amazing to think about how far she's come this year. It's amazing to think about how far we've come, too.

She is the light of our lives. Enjoy her one-year pictures.


Anonymous said...

Ahhh, TOO Cute! I love how serious she is with her cake. It's gotta be the Daigle in her, we are very serious about our food.


Tami said...

Happy Birthday little one.