Saturday, April 2, 2011

One In A . . .

I get a weekly email that tells me interesting little developmental tidbits all about my baby girl according to how old she is. These emails are chock full of great advice in topics ranging from eating and teething to sleeping and playing. Pretty much I just scan them and delete them, as Ali has always been either right in line with or a bit ahead of whatever it's telling me.

This last week I got one for my "18-month-old: Week 3." It says, "Some toddlers can even make simple two-word sentences, such as 'No more' or 'All done.'"


The other day, Ali told me, "Ali no play outside. Inside Ali milk please. Ali inside."

If only some toddlers are just now stringing together two words, what does that make her?

Just what I've always known she was: one in a bazillion.
In other news: holy crap, I'm having a baby next month.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Your baby is a genius. Look at her parents-dd you expect anything different?!?!? She's a cutie, too. :-)